• Royal Grove Waikiki

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers you need to start planning your trip to Waikiki, from hotel information ways to get around the island and more. We prepare you to Waikiki like a local.

  • Can I check-in early?
    We cannot offer guaranteed early check-in but may be able to offer depending on availability. Please contact the hotel directly for availability.
  • Can I Check-Out Late?
    We offer a complimentary 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. late check-out based on availability, or a $50 3:00 p.m. A check-out after 3pm is a full night’s charge, based on availability.
  • Can you store luggage?
    Yes, luggage storage with same day pick up is complimentary. We do not store luggage overnight.
  • Do you have an airport shuttle?
    We do not have a complimentary shuttle, but we recommend the following methods of transportation:
    Shuttle: The Roberts Hawaii Airport Shuttle charges $16 per person for a one-way ride.
    Taxi: Located street level directly outside of the baggage claim area at the center medium guests can find taxis that will transport them directly to the hotel. A typical fare ranges from $35 to $50. However, this fare can be higher during peak traffic times.
    Rideshare: Request a ride from Uber or Lyft when you’re ready to walk outside of the airport, then head to a designated rideshare pickup zone.
  • Do you have cribs or rollaway beds
    Cribs are complimentary. Due to room configuration, rollaway beds are not available.

  • Do you have laundry services?
    Dry cleaning is available for a fee.

  • Do you allow smoking?
    We are a non-smoking hotel.
  • Do you allow pets?
    A pet-friendly Waikiki hotel, Royal Grove welcomes your furry companion! We allow a maximum of 2 dogs per room. Our pet fee is $35 fee plus tax, per night per pet.